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Experience The Beauty
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Wake Up Ready To Go!
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Makeup that lasts!

Get your Permanent MakeUp Today!

Are you ready to look beautiful and save time? Let Lisa Wilson take care of you. She offers services that include Microblading, Eyebrows, Shading and Powder, Eye Liner, Areola, Camouflage, Beauty Marks, and Freckles.
Take advantage of the all the benefits of permanent makeup such as saving time by eliminating your daily makeup routines. Maintains your appearance for extended periods. Her enhanced features redefine and enhance your natural features. Perfect for the active lifestyle or those with limited dexterity.

Contact us today to get started!

Lisa Wilson Albany, Salem, Permanent Makeup

Permanent Makeup & Other Options

– Microblading

– Eyebrows

– Shading / Powder

– Eye Liner

– Areola

– Camouflage

– Beauty Marks

– Freckles

What you can expect...

You can expect that your needs and expectations will be discussed during your consultation which includes a review of your medical history and an explanation of your before and after care instructions. I take extra care to make sure the procedures are as comfortable as possible. Most clients agree permanent make-up procedures are far more comfortable than anticipated. Your comfort and safety are of the utmost importance. Strict sanitation and sterilization guidelines are followed in accordance with OSHA and the CDC. Single-use sterile needles are used with each application. 


– Lash & Brow Tint

– Collagen Boosting

– Waxing

– Facials

– Facial Peel

Lisa Wilson Albany, Salem, Permanent Makeup

Give us call at (503) 383-8904

The Benefits of Permanent Makeup for those...

– Who needs to save time
– Who wants to wake up ready to go
– For those with allergies to conventional makeup
– For those with an active lifestyle
– Those with visual impairments
– Those with little or no brow
– Those with changes in brows, lips, and eyes due to aging
– Those with difficulty in makeup application
– Those with hay fever or watery eyes
– Those with arthritis or painful hands
– Those who need color correction, scar camouflage, or breast areola loss
– Those with Hair loss from Alopecia, chemotherapy, accidents, burns, or cosmetic surgery

Lisa Wilson Albany, Salem, Permanent Makeup